Secondment - Regional Specialized Officer - RB Nairob

nairobi cityKE



9 months ago12/19/202301/18/2024

- closed

Reference of the post: INT03754


  • In application of Article 114.1 of INTERPOL’s Rules on the Processing of Data (RPD), the General Secretariat is “responsible for determining authorization procedures or a system of security clearance at each data confidentiality level”. Member states which are not able or willing to assist INTERPOL in performing such a check should be aware that some INTERPOL information might not be made available to their nationals working at INTERPOL.
  • In order to be able to access police information classified as “INTERPOL For official use only” or “INTERPOL RESTRICTED”, the individual has to obtain “INTERPOL Restricted” security clearance. This clearance is granted after Basic security screening.
  • For seconded or other officials assigned to work or assist at the General Secretariat by a member country, in lieu of Basic security screening, the respective NCB shall attest that the equivalent of the INTERPOL Basic security screening has been satisfactorily completed. This means that the following verifications will not be performed by the General Secretariat but are considered to have been taken care of by the respective NCB.
  • In order to be able to access police information classified as “INTERPOL CONFIDENTIAL”, the individual has to obtain “INTERPOL Confidential” security clearance. This clearance is granted after Enhanced security screening.
  • Under no circumstances should clearance be granted simply because of an official’s rank, post held, or length of service. Staff may only gain access to General Secretariat premises and to police information if the appropriate INTERPOL security clearance has been obtained. In order to reduce the secondment timeline, and as the Enhanced security screening may take some time, the seconded Official requiring INTERPOL Confidential security clearance may be authorized to start the secondment if the NCB can confirm that the equivalent to Basic security screening has been performed. Access to INTERPOL CONFIDENTIAL information will not be authorized until Enhanced security screening is confirmed.

Duties, obligations, and privileges

  • In conformity with Article 30 of INTERPOL's Constitution, the national administration must refrain from giving instructions to an official it has seconded to work at the General Secretariat and must respect the exclusively international character of the duties of the Organization's staff.
  • In seconding an official to the Organization, the national administration is serving the interests of the international community and international police cooperation, not its own interests.
  • The officials of the Organization are subject to the authority of the Secretary General, to whom they are responsible in the performance of their functions.
  • They shall observe the Staff Regulations, the Staff Rules and any Staff Instructions issued by the Secretary General.
  • The officials of the Organization are international officials and, as such, their responsibilities are not national but exclusively international.
  • By accepting appointment, they pledge themselves to discharge their functions and to regulate their conduct with the interests of the Organization alone in view.
  • On taking up their posts, seconded officials shall sign a declaration of loyalty. In application of Staff Regulation 1.5(4), “if an official of the Organization refuses to sign the declaration of loyalty, or wishes to postpone its signature, his appointment shall be considered null and void.” Officials of the Organization enjoy the privileges, immunities and facilities to which they are entitled by virtue of the international agreements concluded by the Organization or by virtue of national legislation relating to this matter.

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